About the Department of Linguistics

Simon Fraser University has one of the largest and most diverse linguistics programs in Canada. Linguistics graduates may work as ESL teachers, speech language assistants, and in information technology. With further education, a student can become an audiologist or a speech-language pathologist. A student can also continue graduate studies in Linguistics (see below) to become a professional linguist and have a career in education and academia.

The following are just some of the topics you can study in our courses:

  • How speech sounds are produced in our vocal tracts
  • Formal properties of sound systems and grammatical structures
  • Ways in which language conveys meaning and is used in social interactions
  • How languages are learned by children and adults
  • Indigenous languages of Canada  

SFU Linguistics offers a variety of options for undergraduates:

General Interest Courses:

Our general interest courses have no prerequisites and are open to all SFU undergraduates

We offer an Accelerated Master's Degree Program:

This program will provide a seamless transition between a BA and an MA in Linguistics and at the same time shorten the time to complete both degrees.

We have multiple options in general linguistics Graduate Programs:


We have an Indigenous Languages Program which offers graduate programs:

Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Languages and Linguistics (INLL GC)
Master of Arts in Indigenous Languages and Linguistics (INLL MA)

SFU Linguistics has a thriving PhD Program:

PhD Program in general linguistics