Student Life

Your student experience extends beyond the classrooms and lecture halls—it covers all the parts of your entire journey at SFU! SFU's Surrey Campus features vibrant student spaces, campus events and fun activities to support your student experience.

Simon Fraser Student Society - Surrey Campus Committee

The Surrey Campus Committee (SCC) is made up of Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) students and is committed to building community at the SFU Surrey Campus. The SCC hosts fun events, creates volunteer opportunities, adovate for students and much more. 

Learn more

Student Recreation

Recreation Services for eligible students at the Surrey Campus include memberships in partnership with the City of Surrey Parks and Recreation. The membership provides access to City of Surrey operated fitness centres, pools, weight rooms, swim sessions and non-registered aquatics/fitness programs.

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Games Lounge

Each week, staff and student volunteers transform the Mezzanine into the Games Louge with a wide selection of games and activities. The team also hosted seasonal events like Multi-Fest and Winter WonderLounge to create more accessible programming for students.

Swing by to play board games, console games, ping ping, legos or paint!



Therapy dogs are trained to provide affection, comfort, and support to people. Once a month in the Fall and Winter semesters, the St. John’s Ambulance Therapy Dog program brings their furry friends to the Vancouver campus. Students, staff, and faculty are invited to take a break and visit with the dogs for some self-care and canine cuddles.


Fraser Library Games Room

Unique to the Fraser Library, the Games Collection and Room at Fraser Library offers board games, console games and select consoles avaliable to borrow for up to 21 days. 

The Games Room also has a collection of free-to-play online games! Simply find the designated online games station in the Fraser Library Games Room to play.