Associate Director: Graduate Programs

Garth Davies


Burnaby Office: Saywell Hall 10328


Welcome everyone! I would like to offer my warmest greetings to our new students, staff members and faculty, and a “good to see you again” to everyone who is returning. At the risk of jinxing things, it feels like academic life is, if not returning to normal, settling into a new normal. It is an exciting time in the School of Criminology, with lots of new faces in new roles. The Graduate Programs Committee is working on a number of significant initiatives this year, including trying to expand graduate course offerings in the School and continuing to ensure that our graduate students receive that highest levels of supervision and support throughout their time in the School. We look forward to working with all members of the School on these important issues. 

I would also like to echo the words of our previous Graduate Director, Dr. Bryan Kinney, who has always encouraged students to become involved in the life of the academic community. To shamelessly steal his words: “Developing social connections and engagement with the wider academic community will help you to get the most from your time here.  Get involved with the Criminology graduate caucus, the Graduate Student Society, or one of the many clubs and initiatives at SFU.  Connect with the Indigenous Student CentreOut on Campus, or the Women's Centre.  Build friendships with your fellow students!”

Finally, I would like to say hello to prospective students, those of you who are visiting this page because you are thinking of applying for graduate studies here. We are very proud of our School, and are pleased that you are considering us for your next academic stage. The application process for the School is very competitive, and if you are successful, you will be joining a vibrant community of scholars and researchers. If you have any questions, our wonderful Graduate Program Assistant, Christie Carlson (, can provide guidance.

Best wishes for happy, healthy, and safe year.

Graduate Programs Committee

Graduate Programs Director: Dr. Garth Davies (Graduate Chair)

Dr. Lynne Bell

Dr. Evan McCuish

Dr. Shannon Linning

Dr. Curt Griffiths

Dr. Zachary Rowan

Dr. Alexandra Lysova