Prof-Collins Ifeonu

Assistant Professor, Sociology
Sociology & Anthropology


Prof-Collins Ifeonu completed his doctoral degree in Sociology from the University of Alberta. He has a broad range of academic interests, particularly focusing on the intricate connections between Canada’s labor, migration, and education policy, and their subsequent effects on the lived experiences of racialized international students. His doctoral research is a qualitative exploration of the social and political integration of international students from sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean in Canada. This project centers the sense-making processes of these students as they assess their decisions to further their education in Canada, relationship to Black-themed racial justice organizing, and navigation of several forms of precarity.


PhD (Sociology), University of Alberta
MSc (Human Resources and Organization, with CIPD Accreditation), London School of Economics, London, England
BA (Human Resource Management), University of East-London, London, England


Future courses may be subject to change.